The Nativity Story of Christmas
History of Hell
So what is the purpose of hell and why is it found mainly in religions concerned with salvation? Why has hell proved so inspirational for artists through the ages, perhaps more so than heaven? And why do some ideas of hell require a Satan figure while others don't?
The Bamiyan Buddhas
The Lost Treasure of Solomon's Temple
Where is the lost treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem that Rome plundered in 70 AD? Is it in the Vatican stores, under the Temple Mount, or elsewhere? British archaeologist Sean Kingsley believes he knows where the treasure buried
The Divine Goddess
Take a journey with curator Chaya Chanrasekhar through an exhibition of splendid Indian sculptures and paintings of female deities throughout the centuries, at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Whether erotic, fearsome or benign, whether Parvati, Kali, Lakshmi or `Mother India' herself, Bharat Mata, these images manifest the complexities of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain worship of the female principle
Heritage Conservation in India
The Red Marauder - a history of drought in Australia
HIV/AIDS in Africa: The Race Against Time
The Chimeric Brain
Journeys to Recovery: Accepting the Reality of Unreality
People who hear voices or have delusions often don't believe they're sick with a psychotic illness. It's their harsh and frightening reality. Coming to terms with the need for treatment can be a mighty battle, for both themselves and their families. Lynne Malcolm speaks with two men who've found their own unexpected routes towards acceptance and recovery. And, psychologist Xavier Amador - a forensic expert in high profile cases such as the Unabomber and the 20th 9/11 highjacker - challenges the denial in unique ways.
Perspectives on Hajj
Renovating Muslim Australia
Science Fatwa – Part 1 and Part 2
Intelligent Design
Black America
Does philosophy work better than Prozac?
Australian immunologist Peter Doherty puts science up against philosophy. Can philosophy help the mind become more resilient to life's problems, just as the immune system can help fight illness? We explore the latest developments in understanding how the body resists disease, and the mind resists despair.
Fundamentalism and Terrorism
Kosovo- contest country
Carly Fiorina on Though Choices
Out-of-control kids
What can parents do when kids go wild? What can you do if kids skid off the rails and start speeding towards a life of crime?
The Business With Rembrandt
Shake-a-leg, talk the talk
Bruce Moore on the new edition of Australian Aboriginal Words in English, a lexicon of some 450 Aboriginal words that have entered Australian English since 1788
Job satisfaction and health
Many studies have shown a link between job satisfaction and health. Having a lot of stress at work can make us sick. Many people have unrealistic workloads which negatively influences their health and their relationship with family and friends.
Bad design causes diabetes
While junk food and obesity play a significant role is the development of diabetes, bad design is also now seen as an important player in the development of this disease. And, living in a major city dramatically increases your chance of getting diabetes. Why? Professor Martin Silink explains all on By Design
Socially Responsible Architecture
What responsibility does design have in identifying and solving social problems. What role do architects and designers have in helping a community overcome grief and loss, for example. By Design talks with three groups (Architecture For Humanity, Architects Without Frontiers, Habitat for Humanity) - about their approach to helping communities needing new buildings, and new lives
Boettke on Katrina and the Economics of Disaster
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