Saturday, December 16, 2006

Have your PC become a Zombie?

Your computer could be a Zombie;

"One of the most active categories of malicious software threatening Internet users today is remote control software, according to a Microsoft Security Intelligence report published in October. Remote control software uses deceptive means to allow a hacker or cyber criminal to gain control of a large number of individual computers (“zombies”), and make them work together to form a “botnet”. The botnet can then be used to distribute spam and spyware, spread viruses, and attack networks."

Signs of infection;
1. A suddenly sluggish broadband connection
2.Excessive hard drive activity
3.An unresponsive mouse or keyboard
4.Email bounce notifications in your inbox from people you never tried to contact

Keep in mind that remote control software won’t disable your PC - because in order for a botnet to work, and a cyber criminal to profit, your PC needs to be active and connected to the Internet.

In the early days computer geeks created viruses to show off, as a prank or to gain notoriety. Today, cyber criminals have turned the potential of computer code to a malicious, money making machine. Unfortunately, this means that Internet users have to be ever wary of Internet schemes while the cat and mouse game of Internet threat versus Internet solution continues"

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