Thursday, December 14, 2006

I, Job and I, T-Shirt

The Doing Business version of the regulatory and tax costs associated with a typical job in UK. Read the article or visit the website I, Job.

Seems inspired by I, Pencil- My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read.
Listen to a podcast.

I, Phone via Café Hayek
Travels With My Florida Parrot T-Shirt (book review- the book could have been titled I, T-Shirt)
Behind Shanghai's Boom Is a Simple T-Shirt
The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade (transcript of the book forum);
"There is some of that business story in the book, but what really came out were some more nuanced conclusions. Markets, global markets in goods, whether they're good or evil are not as central to the story as I would have thought. Rather than a story of how people were competing—how do I make a faster T-shirt, a better T-shirt, a cheaper T-shirt—what I found is that the story of the T-shirt and why its life turned out the way it did was really a story about politics. So it wasn't about how people were making the best T-shirts. It was about how people were using political power.
• Why does the T-shirt come from Texas? That's all about politics. It has a great deal to do with public policy towards agriculture, broadly speaking. The subsidies are just one narrow piece of that.
• Why is the T-shirt made in China? That's all about politics, too. You can especially look at the way China manages its migration inside the country—whatever you might say about it from a moral perspective, from the perspective of producing large volumes of T-shirts, those government policies I found had a great deal of explanatory power. So this wasn't so much, again, a story about markets. It was a story about public policy in China. That's why the T-shirt was born there.
• What about the story of my T-shirt when it is trying to come back to the United States? Well, trade flows in textiles and apparel have been for many years governed by a very complicated web of trade policy

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