Organ tourism and poverty in Pakistan;
"Each year hundreds of kidneys are sold to patients who come from abroad, to so called 'organ tourists'.
Poverty stricken villagers feel it's their only option to earn some extra money. Many donors are left with scars and an uncertain future.
With large debts and a new wife and child, Tariq found an agent to sell his kidney.
The agent took a commission and left Tariq with just $150.
Tariq told Al Jazeera how the money changed his life: "For a little while things were okay. Firstly I paid my debts. And then I had to live on some of it myself. But I was unable to work for a year because of the operation."
As with most things, you have consider the inverse situation. While some people may be worse off because of the transaction, we assume that the contract seemed mutually beneficial at the time. Surely there are some made better off because of the market.