Friday, December 29, 2006

Toolkit on Randomized Trials

An interesting working paper-Using Ramdomization in Development Economics Research: A Toolkit by Esther Duflo, Rachel Glennerster, Michael Kremer;

"This paper is a practical guide (a toolkit) for researchers, students and practitioners wishing to introduce randomization as part of a research design in the field. It first covers the rationale for the use of randomization, as a solution to selection bias and a partial solution to publication biases. Second, it discusses various ways in which randomization can be practically introduced in a field settings. Third, it discusses designs issues such as sample size requirements, stratification, level of randomization and data collection methods. Fourth, it discusses how to analyze data from randomized evaluations when there are departures from the basic framework. It reviews in particular how to handle imperfect compliance and externalities. Finally, it discusses some of the issues involved in drawing general conclusions from randomized evaluations, including the necessary use of theory as a guide when designing evaluations and interpreting results."

Inverse Probability Weighted Estimation for General Missing Data Problems
Cluster Sample Methods in Applied Econometrics: An Extended Analysis

Evaluating Microfinance Program Innovation with Randomized Control Trials: An Example from Group Versus Individual Lending

Using randomized control designs in evaluating social sector programs in developing countries
Cash transfers, conditions, school enrollment, and child work : evidence from a randomized experiment in Ecuador

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