Friday, December 22, 2006

Tsunami Aid Fact of the Day

- The Red Cross promised to build 50,000 permanent houses in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. So far only 8,000 have been completed

- The British Red Cross contracted to build over 2,000 houses and have so far completed 16 although another 300 are nearly ready

- The Chinese promised even more - $301m - and delivered - just $1m. In the Maldives, Kuwait allocated just under $10m but they have yet to spend a single cent and in Indonesia America promised over $400m and so far has delivered less than $70m.

- Billions of dollars given by individuals and governments have still not been spent while two thirds of those who lost their houses are still waiting for them to be rebuilt

-Only 30 to 35% of the people have been put back into permanent housing

- UN Department for Aid and Development database which tracks $6.7bn (£3.4bn) of money which has been pledged. Half of that - $3.3bn - has still not been spent

Via FP blog and BBC.

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