Friday, December 22, 2006

World Bank beat IMF on Accountability

A new index Global Accountability Index is out. Created by UK NGO One World Trust, the index assesses accountability across three groups- inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and transnational corporations;

The 2006 Global Accountability Index assesses thirty of the world's most powerful organisations from intergovernmental, corporate and non-governmental sectors. The Index analyses these organisations in the four dimensions of accountability as defined by the Global Accountability Framework: transparency, participation, evaluation, and complaint and response mechanisms.

The Index is the first initiative to measure and compare the accountability of transnational actors from intergovernmental, non-governmental and corporate sectors. In doing so, it extends basic principles of democracy to the global level. The organisations are assessed on how they integrate key accountability principles in existing capabilities - both organisational policies and the management systems that enable these policies to be operationalised.

Bank Noted for Accountability Policies
IMF responds to the report;
"The introductory text stating that the IMF's "key mission is to lend money to countries that experience severe financial difficulties" does not fully capture the IMF's other equally important activities, namely surveillance and the provision of technical assistance. Also, your second para implies that multilateral surveillance is a new activity, when in fact the IMF has been undertaking mulilateral surveillance for several years as evidenced by the regular semi-annual publications, the World Economic Outlook and the Global Financial Stability Report."

-Sabina Bhatia, IMF
ADB Accountability Mechanism

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