Monday, July 30, 2007

Economics Podcasts

The Best;

Energy Crisis: Resource Scarcity Oil Wars and Climate Change
Speaker(s): Professor Mary Kaldor; Yahia Said; George Soros; Professor Sir Nicholas Stern

Henderson on Disagreeable Economists

Protecting the global poor
What does economic history tell us about how rich countries got wealthy? Cambridge academic Dr Ha-Joon Chang believes most of them did so by protecting infant industries and limiting foreign investment. Yet these countries are now denying poor ones the same chance to grow
Also in the same podcast Remembering Milton Friedman

Interview with Thomas Sargent

And the rest;

Attitudes on Globalization, featuring Brink Lindsey

Realities of Globalization, featuring Indur M. Goklany

Global Tax Competition, featuring Daniel J. Mitchell

How to Hike College Tuition, featuring Neal McCluskey

The Age of Abundance, Part I, featuring David Brooks
The Age of Abundance, Part II, featuring Brink Lindsey

Coercion, State, and the Minimum Wage, featuring Richard A. Epstein

Africa's development
“It's the politicians, stupid—political reform, not aid or trade, is the key to Africa's development”

Sustaining Growth and promoting inclusion in India's Economy and Society
Speaker(s): Sir Nicholas Stern

Liquidity Asset Prices and Market Efficiency
Speaker(s): Professor Jiang Wang;
Chair: Professor Dimitri Vayanos

Democracy or Dictatorship? Emerging Political Crisis in Pakistan
Speaker(s): Imran Khan;
Chair: Dr Purna Sen

Contracts Reference Points and the Theory of the Firm
Speaker(s): Professor Oliver Hart;
Chair: Professor Leonardo Felli

Collapse of the Soviet empire - reflections from an insider
Speaker(s): Andrei Grachev;
Chair: Professor Odd Arne Westad

Financial Reform in China: what next?Speaker(s): Howard Davies;
Chair: Dr Lawrence Saez

The European Union and the Challenge of Globalisation
Speaker(s): Matti Vanhanen;
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone

David King on Science and Governance

Louka Katseli on Migration and Development

Global Health Care: Medical Travel and Medical Outsourcing
Milica Bookman, Professor of Economics, Saint Joseph’s University
Rudy Rupak, President and Founder, PlanetHospital
Global competition is an emerging trend in the health care industry, as a growing number of high-quality health care facilities in developing countries have begun catering to so-called "medical tourists" or "medical travelers" from other countries. Uninsured patients and those from countries where care is rationed by waiting are also attracted to high-quality health care that is up to 80 percent less expensive than the cost of care in the United States. The speakers are Prof. Milica Bookman, Saint Joseph’s University , author of a new book, "Medical Tourism in Developing Countries," and Rudy Rupak, founder and CEO of PlanetHosptial, a firm dedicated to connecting patients with health care facilities abroad.

How Information Technology is Transforming Industries: Lessons from the Past
James Cortada, IBM Institute for Business Values

Death Spirals, Summer Swoons, Volcanic Rebounds and All That--Whither Goes Steel?”

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