Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday Song- Chacha Wardi Laonda Kyon Nahee?

Now that Pakistan's top judge reinstated, have a look at this song, made by opponents of Musharaf;

Since Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf attempted to sack Chaudhry on March 9, the chief justice has emerged as something of a street hero for those who champion democracy. But if Chaudhry, with his dour expressions and reticent air, is the unlikely hero of a movement against Musharraf's military rule, he now has his own anthem.

"Chacha Wardi Laonda Kyon Nahee?" – "Uncle, Lose Your Uniform, Why Don't You" – follows Chaudhry whereever he goes across the country. It's a caustic, witty number evoking the battle Chaudhry and a mixed bag of opposition members – Islamists, lawyers, journalists, socialists, and nationalists – are now waging.

Translation below;

Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

Be a man for once, why don't you?
Stick to your word, why don't you?

Your time is at an end,
There's no choice but to say goodbye
Haven't you gobbled up enough already?
Broken the constitution with your own two hands
Go home with some dignity, why don't you?
Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

Such high aims you have
To bring European culture right here
Our daughters and sisters run down the street
Running down the street in shorts
Drown yourself to a shameful death, why don't you?
Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

You're always running off to Washington,
Running off to butter up Bush,
Falling to his feet and groveling
And turning around and threatening the weak
Fight the real oppressor, why don't you?
Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

Evil laid the chess board out
Found their pawn and made a move
You earned the brotherhood defeat
Stood fast by your friend, the Enemy
Be ashamed at your crime, why don't you?
Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

Struck down and wounded your own people
Cut them up just like a butcher
Evil seems to egg you on
While all of Kashmir curses you
Show your power there, why don't you?
Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

You kept murderers close to your heart
What did you get for all this oppression?
For spilling the blood of the Afghans?
For embarrassing Muslims everywhere?
Repent at what you've done, why don't you?
Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

Open your eyes and see
America's heartless terrorism
Killing people like insects
But honor does not fear power
So show some honor, why don't you?
Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

Thieves and robbers of this nation
They're all your friends, their bellies full
They run around with impunity
Going around raiding Mosques
Go right off to hell, why don't you?
Uncle, lose the uniform, why don't you?
Take your pension and leave, why don't you?

via Sepia Mutiny

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