Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bayesian Heresy’s Friday Book Club

I’m starting a new series- Fridays Book Club. Every week we would discuss a book on the blog- for the coming weeks it is The Prize by Daniel Yergin.

The prize for the most regular commentator on the blog over the course of a year is any book from the person’s wish list on Amazon (the price of the prize has to be less than 100 dollars).

The Rules- the person has to read at least 100 pages of the book assigned for the week- for the next week it is the first 100 pages of The Prize.

The Prize- Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Getting to Know Daniel Yergin

Commanding Heights: The World Bank Discussion

In Defense of Globalization

Fighting the Globalization Flu

Predicting the Future of Oil Prices

TCS Spotlight: Interview with Dan Yergin

Securing the Future: A Conversation with Daniel Yergin and Thane Gustafson

A discussion on the future of the oil market with Daniel Yergin

Alumni Profile: Daniel Yergin '68

Energy Security

A Survey of Oil, The Economist (listen to an interview with author)

Energy Links (World Bank)

Private Sector Participation in Energy

Blogs; The Oil Drum / Energy Roundup / The Energy Blog / Peak Energy


  1. I read "The Prize" and parts of "The Commanding Heights". The first is excellent I think and the second seems average. I think that this is a good choice.

  2. excellent call on The Oil Drum...been hanging out over there a lot. They've done a great job of debunking Yergin and CERA...

    Peak Oil - Whom to Believe? Part One - "There's Plenty of Oil, CERAiously"

    quality stuff.


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