Monday, August 27, 2007

Deirdre McCloskey has a blog

"I want to tell you the story of a crossing from 52-year-old man to 55-year-old woman, Donald to Deirdre.

"A strange story," you say.

Yes, it's strange statistically. All the instruments agree that what's usually called "transsexuality," crossing the gender boundary, is rare. (The Latin in "transsexuality" makes it sound sexual, which is mistaken; or medical, which is misleading; or scientific, which is silly. I'll use plain English - "crossing.") Only three in 10,000 want to cross the boundary of gender, a few of them in your own city neighborhood or small town. Gender crossing is no threat to male-female sex ratios or the role of women or the stability of the dollar. Most people are content with their birth gender.

McCloskey's Weblog

Other things equal: Aunt Deirdre’s letter to a graduate student”

Journal of Feminist Economics

Nick Shulz interviews Deirdre McCloskey, "What's the Big Idea?"

The Economic Conversations

The Secret Sins of Economics
The Rhetoric of Mathematical Formalism

The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard Error is Us Costing Jobs, Justice, and Lives

The Applied Theory of Price (full book available for download, 31MB)

The Hobbes Problem: From Machiavelli to Buchanan

Bourgeois Virtues?
The Art Of Forecasting From Ancient To Modern Times
Remembering the Man Behind Rational Expectations

Hoover & Siegler: McCloskey is Oh So Wrong About Statistical Significance
Sound and Fury: McCloskey and Significance Testing in Economics

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