Monday, August 20, 2007

You Tube of the Day- Silence = Despotism

Alejandro Toledo talk at SIPA, Columbia University;
It is not sufficient to be elected democratically, we have to govern democratically as well

Economic Reforms and Wage Differentials in Latin America
Eduardo Aninat: Public Policies for Investment in Human Capital: The Case of Chile
Latin American Development Series: The Future of Reforms in Latin America
Social Development, Integration, and Public Policies in Latin America

Peru - The Royal Tour

Silence = Despotism;
POLITICAL democracy will take root in Latin America only when it is accompanied by economic and social democracy. Likewise, Latin Americans will be able to achieve sustained economic growth and eliminate extreme poverty only when our political systems are free and fair for all.

The ability of our citizens — all of them — to be heard is an integral part of this process. If freedom of speech is restricted in one of our countries, silence could spread to other nations, especially those with leaders who wish to be permanently flattered...

When one voice is silenced, we all become mute. When one thought is eliminated, we all lose some awareness. And when a space for the expression of ideas becomes closed, we all become trapped in the dungeons of dictatorship. The authoritarian populism of Venezuela strives to convert all of the people of Latin America into silent citizens, and we cannot permit this.

Latin America’s common enemies are poverty, inequality and exclusion — not dissident thought. Hunger is not fought by silencing critics. Unemployment does not disappear by exiling those who think differently. We cannot have bread without liberty. We cannot have nations without democracy.

Former President of Peru- podcast of a talk

Peru - Microeconomic constraints to growth : the evidence from the manufacturing sector
Peru - Opportunities for all - poverty assessment

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