Sunday, September 23, 2007

Assorted on Sri Lanka

Unleashing Sri Lanka's Potential-I

Unleashing Sri Lanka's Potential-II
In short, Sri Lanka is a textbook case of how globalization works. Where there is liberalization, the economy booms; where there is no reform, the economy stagnates.
- World Bank's Chief Economist for South Asia

Poverty Assessment for Sri Lanka: Engendering Growth with Equity: Opportunities and Challenges

Sri Lanka's Sources of Growth
Summary: This paper uses the growth accounting framework to assess Sri Lanka's sources of growth. It finds that while labor was the dominant factor contributing to growth in the 1980s, labor's contribution declined over time and was overtaken, to a large extent, by total factor productivity (TFP) and, to a lower extent, by physical and human capital accumulation. A higher growth path over the medium term will depend on securing a stable political and macroeconomic environment; implementing structural reforms necessary to improve productivity and efficiency of investment; attaining fiscal consolidation; and creating space for the private sector.

Sri Lanka: Selected Issues

Creating poverty maps for Sri Lanka

Economic Challenges of Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Sri Lanka

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