Sunday, September 9, 2007

Israel Lobby and NAFTA?

Successive...administrations have used AIPAC’s power on the Hill, not only for the sake of Israel aid, but for Egypt’s aid, for Jordon’s aid, for aid to the Palestinians, the Palestinian authority, the people are for the whole foreign aid budget would not pass without AIPAC’s influence.

The whole free trade agreement process was started with the US- Israel free trade agreement. Why? Because that was the only way the ...., now we’re talking about the Regan administration could get it through Congress was with AIPAC’s help.

And once they established the free trade agreement with Israel it became possible to get free trade agreements and that was the precursor to NAFTA and so on.

-Martin Indyk

An interesting and a highly charged debate on the influence of Israel Lobby hosted by the London Review of Books in NY, (here's the transcript-very highly recommended)

The Israel lobby debate
Lawmakers Approve $2.4 Billion in Military Aid to Israel

Israel Lobby Watch
(Palestinian source)
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (Wikipedia)

Israel's Influence
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

Israel Lobby (Dutch Documentary)
Paper on Israel Lobby Sparks Heated Debate

Walt and Mearsheimer on "The Israel Lobby"
Council on American-Islamic Relations News Conference on Israeli Influence
AIPAC, Iran, and the two Abdullahs

The War over Israel’s Influence

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