Tackling Indonesian terror
Democracy - Singapore style
A stooge Dalai Lama; The future of the worldwide Anglican communion
China has announced that in future it will control the re-incarnation of senior Tibetan lamas, including the Dalai Lama. Already there are two Penchan lamas - the real one, and the Communist stooge. Does China now intend to create its own state sanctioned Dalai Lama?
Also, the primate of the Anglican Church in Australia, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall of Brisbane, flies off to a crucial meeting in New-Orleans this week with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of the Episcopal Church in the United States over the consecration of gay bishops and the blessing of same-sex unions. The future of the worldwide Anglican communion is hanging in the balance.
The Word of God Times Three: Part 3
How do Muslims understand the revelation of God to Muhammad? The final in a series looking at Jewish, Christian and Muslim beliefs concerning the Word of God and how it was transmitted.
The Word of God Times Three: Part 2
Frank Peters, from New York University, explains the Christian understanding of Revelation, and how they came to possess a different Old Testament to the Jews.
The Astrolabe in Medieval Islam
Dante's Divine Comedy
Morality and restraint
There are poor children starving in Africa, so you should really eat up your food, shouldn't you? Perhaps you should, but why are their needs morally more significant than your desire for enjoyment.
The psychological power of forgiveness in South Africa
The history of air
The great global warming debate
King Kong, Charles Darwin and the Irish Fenians
500th anniversary of an outbreak of sweating fever
Medical Historian Dr Jim Leavesley from Margaret River, Western Australia, talks about the history of the epidemic of sweating fever, from the first outbreak in 1507 to the last one in 1551.
Risk assessment
Professor Joseph Arvai from Michigan State University talks about how we judge risks and respond to them
The link between maleness and autism characteristics
Iran: Nukes, the French and the U.S.A.
Over the past week the threats of an attack on Iran over its nuclear program have stepped up a notch, with the French Foreign Minister saying, "We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war".
Russ Roberts of EconTalk
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