The Best of the Podcasts;
Should American Workers Fear or Embrace Globalization?
Featuring Jagdish Bhagwati, Author, In Defense of Globalization (new edition) and Matthew Slaughter, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth University (Cato event)
The Rest;
Ecohydrology, Derek Eamus
Libertarianism and the family
Does libertarianism bear a measure of responsibility for the current state of social disarry in America? Brian Doherty, a west coast libertarian, and Kay Hymowitz, a conservative Democrat from Manhattan, discuss family values with respect to what some would see as two competing political philosophies.
Cool it: Bjorn Lomborg
See errata for the book
The Stuff of Thought with Steven Pinker
Matt Ridley - science writer and banker
Matt Ridley has been a science writer for The Economist and The Daily Telegraph in England. As Chairman of The Northern Rock Bank, he's seen the bank give 5% of its profits to charity. But recently, with the US credit crisis, there's been a run on the bank and customers have queued to withdraw their money. Jane Hutcheon reports on Matt Ridley's move from science journalism to banking.
To End Another War: Richard Holbrooke
Thinking and judging with Hannah Arendt
Attending the trial of Adolph Eichmann, the war criminal, the philosopher Hannah Arendt was struck not by his satanic evil but by how unthinking he was. This week Max Deutscher, author of a recent book on Arendt's work, discusses her views on thought, thinking and judging
October 2007 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet's clonal selection theory. Dr Philip Hodgkin from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne talks about past and present research in the field of immunology
Robert Novak on "the government we deserve"
Iraq: Vietnam in the sand?
Iran's Nuclear Industry
Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life
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