Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Best Sellers Through the Title of the Book?

The Coming Economic Collapse: How You Can Thrive When Oil Costs $200 a Barrel
by Stephen Leeb and Glen Strathy

The New Golden Age: The Coming Revolution against Political Corruption and Economic Chaos by Ravi Batra (Author)

Ravi Batra other books;
The Crash of the Millennium
The Downfall of Capitalism and Communism
The Myth of Free Trade
The Great American Deception
The Great Depression of 1990
Stock Market Crashes of 1998 and 1999

Read his forecasts; Made in 1978

1. Soviet but not Chinese communism will collapse around the millennium.
2. A revolution will occur in Iran in 1979 and the priesthood will take over.
3. Starting in 1980, there will be a seven-year long war between Iran and Iraq.
4. The rule of money, or monopoly capitalism, will come to an end in the United States around the year 2000
5. Army commanders would become famous before the fall of monopoly capitalism.
6. Pornography, promiscuity, crime, and divorce will climb until the dominion of money ends in politics.
7. Income and wealth disparities will skyrocket.
8. Women would play increasingly active roles in business and politics.
9. Family values and spirituality will take a back seat.
10. The rule of money will give way to a global golden age.

How weired should you be to read Ravi Batra?
[In 1990, the Italian prime minister awarded him a Medal of the Italian Senate for correctly predicting the downfall of Soviet communism.]

Thanks to Rodrik

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