Thursday, October 11, 2007

Junior Economists Peer Reviewed Series

JEPS Rules;

  • Only junior economists are eligible to submit papers and to be editors - by junior we understand any researcher in economics without a tenured position.
  • One-to-two policy: each submitted paper is assigned two referees
  • There is no submission fee. However, by submitting a paper, an author agrees to referee two papers in the future. The author's name will be added to the list of JEPS Referees.
  • An author's failure to honour their commitments results in the author's removal from the list of JEPS referees and the exclusion from future submissions.
  • Acceptance policy: JEPS aims to host original contributions, that is papers that are complete and have both original and relevant content.
  • Authors may be asked to revise and resubmit at most twice if the paper's shortcomings can be mended with reasonable effort.

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