Sunday, December 30, 2007

David Henderson on Making Decisions

Making Great Decisions - book event at Google

David R. Henderson is a research fellow with the Hoover Institution. He is also an associate professor of economics at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

Some comments;

- I think the book could have been called, 'Discover Your Inner Economist and Statistician'- probably more practical than Tyler Cowen's book
- The following are the key principles the authors highlight;
  • Avoid the ‘I Must’ trap
  • Think on the Margin
  • Create better alternatives
  • Think about what matters
  • Ask what changed
  • Think value
  • Think arbitrage
  • Know what you want before you choose
  • Biases affect the best of us
-One advise to the authors- please have a better title for your next book.

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