Saturday, December 1, 2007

Development Consultants who don't know what they're talking

This hilarious. Rodrik writes about an email he got;

Dear Professor Roderick,
I hope you don’t mind me contacting you; I found your details online sometime ago while looking for experts in the field of Growth Diagnostics ... I work for ..., a public sector consultancy firm ... and we are part of a Framework consortium that provides expertise to the Department of International Development.
Following a recent meeting with DFID to discuss developing the consortium's capacity for Growth Diagnostics it was found that there are not many consultants with specific skills in this area and DFID wish to develop/engage with a group of consultants who can be called on to undertake work/assessments relating to Growth Diagnostics/Analytics, who already have a strong economics consultancy background, but who are particularly interested in working/developing professionally in this area.

We have been asked to draw up a list of interested parties/candidates, who may not necessarily have applied growth diagnostics in the field, but who feel they are particularly able/suited to the task.
The current plan would be for successful candidates to attend/ take part in some form of briefing/introduction by a senior DFID economist regarding DFID's approach to/plan for using growth diagnostics /analytics.
If this is something that you feel you would be interested in being a part of please contact me at your earliest convenience...

Rodrik has created a consulting industry.

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