Saturday, December 15, 2007

National Bingo Callers of the Year 2007 competition

A bit of British Bingo Culture (via Vice Squad)


  1. I did a search for an answer to a bingo question on netscape and found this blog, and this rediculous bingo song/video...Brace yourselves!.Bingo Video

  2. That was hilarious!

  3. I play bingo a lot and I have found I have to ask for numbers to be repeated often, I thought I just had a bad memory but its apparently because I’m dyslexic and my mind struggles to take in what I have heard! But apparently this in not a rare problem as this is a mild symptom of dyslexia and a lot of people have it! I find it easier using a Bingo Game Online. Anybody else have this problem?

  4. haha thank you, I never knew there was a competition for bingo callers


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