Thursday, January 31, 2008

Accessible and Inaccessible Economists

A friend from Columbia forwarded me the following email- he emailed to Professor Stiglitz for a clarification, and he got the following reply.

Thank you for your email to Professor Stiglitz. Because he receives so many emails, we regret we are unable to answer them all.

If you are a journalist, requesting an interview or comment, please email

If you are inviting him to give a lecture, or attend a conference, we will answer you within 7-10 days.

If you want a paper he has written, please look on

If you can't find it there, then please contact Jill Blackford at

For information to reprint or excerpt something he has written, please contact Ms Blackford.

If you need Professor Stiglitz's mailing address or fax number, please look on his website.

If you want his bio or more information about him, please see

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