Thursday, January 31, 2008

Carnival of Podcasts

Bill Cosby
Says Black Youth Need to Be Re-Educated
Bill Cosby, actor and philanthropist, and Alvin Poussaint, professor at Harvard Medical School, spoke yesterday with Bloomberg's Tom Keene about the reasons for writing the book, "Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors," challenges for educating black youth and their visions for strengthening the black community

Shiller Says U.S. Home Prices `Falling at a Rapid Pace'

Feldstein Says Recession May Be Deeper Than Recent Ones

Serious Fun - how designers think today
Chris Wise, incoming Master of the Faculty of the RDI

Recent Fed Actions
Michael Moran, Daiwa Securities America
David Resler, Nomura Securities International
Chris Varvares, Macroeconomic Advisers, moderator

The Malvinas-Falklands War

Politics and justice: the Lockerbie trial

Economic meltdown for 2008?
Economist Professor Andrew Oswald talks about the chances of an economic recession and what consumers could do if it happens.

Global Markets Vulnerability

Philosophical love stories
This week, Friedrich Nietzsche meets the Frankenstein monster and Simon de Beauvoir hangs out with the Desperate Housewives, in a philosophical look at some stories of attraction and love.

Philosophy for Lunch

Minds and computers

The Neurobiology of Suicide

Is it really me? A question of bodily integration and identity
Professor John Bradshaw, a neuropsychologist from Monash University in Melbourne, has a neurological explanation for a not uncommon phenomenon, that of experiencing the powerful and disturbing sensation of someone watching us or standing behind us, whether or not there is really someone there.

Michael Gurr on the Gettysburg Address

Review of new Collins Australian Dictionary

Crusader Medicine

Spiritual Classics: Teresa of Avila, and John T. Robinson

New Age guru Caroline Myss tells us why the 16th century Catholic saint Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle is her spiritual classic. And the controversial retired American Bishop, John Shelby Spong, reveals the book that changed his destiny, John T. Robinson's Honest to God

Spiritual Classics: Jung and Eckhart

Spiritual Classics: Kahlil Gibran and M.Scott Peck

The Existential Jesus

P.J. O'Rourke on freedom, free markets, Paris Hilton and Adam Smith's wealth of nations

Sudhir Venkatesh

MLK Jr. after 40 years: a Fraternal Memoir

The post-imperial maestro: Sir Colin Davis

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