Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Grading Mankiw's Parenting Skills

Mankiw on parenting and family matters-

What are imaginary numbers good for?
I like doing math with my son Nicholas, who is about to enter the 7th grade. Yesterday, he asked me the question in the title of this post, and it stumped me. I know there are some applications in physics for imaginary and complex numbers, but they are too advanced for a 7th grader (or, I must admit, for a 49 year old applied macroeconomist). Off the top of my head, I could not think of any applications within basic economics or to everyday life. Can some commenter help me out?

I confess: I am a Potter-Head

An Introduction to Abstract Math

My son Nicholas (soon to be a 7th grader) and I have been reading together Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction by Timothy Gowers, winner of the Fields prize. The book is not a primer but a wonderful, basic introduction to the idea of mathematics as an exercise in abstract, rigorous reasoning.

Trick or Treat

Movie Recommendation

My Family's Flatware

Economics for Young Kids

What my kids got for Christmas

Ellis Island

We wish a happy, prosperous and fun new year to the Mankiws and to his son Nicholas.

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