Thursday, January 24, 2008

What is Davos

Rodrik explains it;

To begin with, the weirdness of the setting. This little skiing town is hardly where you would expect to find the leading lights of business, politics, arts, and academia. For one thing, it's damn hard to get to (unless you are arriving on an helicopter). The town of Davos itself does not have enough hotel rooms to accommodate everyone, so unlucky guests have to stay in nearby Klosters and commute to the event by bus. The conference site itself is small and feels terribly cramped. Lunch and dinner sessions are held in a variety of locations, which you are sure to miss if you rely on the shuttle service (run with Italian rather than Swiss efficiency). OK, the skiing is better than in Maine, but that's really about it. The whole thing is a marketing and PR miracle, pulled off by one man.

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