Saturday, February 16, 2008

Assorted Public Economics

Transition to Accrual - A Stepwise Approach

David Walker (GAO): Long-Term Fiscal outlook--Action is Needed to Avoid the Possibility of a Serious Economic Disruption in the Future

Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Spending Programs

OECD Journal on Budgeting

Mauritania - Improving Budget Management to Promote Sustainable Development and Reduce Poverty : public expenditure review
Performance Budgeting in OECD Countries

Pacific Islands at home and away : expanding job opportunities for Pacific islanders through labor mobility

Democratic governance in Mexico : beyond state capture and social polarization

Mongolia - Public financing of education : equity and efficiency implications

Tajikistan - Public expenditure and financial accountability assessment : performance report

Are you being served? : new tools for measuring services delivery

Transport strategies for the Russian Federation

Ghana - Country economic memorandum : meeting the challenge of accelerated and shared growth

Uganda - moving beyond recovery : investment and behavior change for growth

Nigeria - Competitiveness and growth : country economic memorandum (Vol. 1 of 3) : Executive summary (English)

Impact Evaluation 2.0

Understanding the politics of the budget: What drives change in the budget process?

Philippines: Critical Development Constraints

Measuring Sustainable Development: Theory and Application

Fiscal Pacts in Latin America

Management and Evaluation Systems to Improve Public Spending: Lessons from Australia

An institutional 0review of Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring in the Caribbean: Challenges of transformation

Conceptual Elements of Results-Based Budgeting

Behind Closed Doors: the Role of the IMF in Shaping Budget Policies and Processes in Low-income Countries by Paolo de Renzio with Matteo Bocci and Kristy Kamarck

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