Saturday, March 1, 2008

Whither Goes Housing- Podcast

A podcast from NABE on the Housing Market

David Berson, Senior Vice President, Chief Economist and Strategist, The PMI Group, Inc.
Dowell Myers, Professor and Director, Population Dynamics Research Group, University of Southern California
Moderator: Kathryn Kobe, Director, Price Wage & Productivity Analysis, Economic Consulting Services LLC
The housing sector is an important end-use market for manufacturing and the decline of housing activity has directly affected a number of industries, especially those involved in supplying construction materials but also those supplying consumer products (appliances, furniture, carpeting, etc.) typically associated with a home purchase. Falling home prices characterize this business cycle and are now affecting manufacturing industries indirectly as consumers retrench, moderating the demand for durable and non-durable goods and then feeding back to orders and production.

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