Diane Coyle on the Soulful Science
Rogoff Sees Asia Central Banks Raising Interest Rates
Almunia Says IMF Shares View That Euro Is `Overvalued'
Asian Outlook and Prospects for Industries
Speakers: Ifzal Ali, Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank; Mark Killion, CFA, Managing Director, World Industry Services, Global Insight;
Moderator: Stuart Mackintosh, International Roundtable Chair/Executive Director, The Group of Thirty
Ifzal Ali discusses Asian economic development and the impact of global financial markets, the effects of U.S. credit crunch, whether rising food and energy prices will fan inflationary flames across the region, and how policymakers should deal with rising inflation and a slowdown in global growth. Mark Killion follows with a discussion of the changing prospects for industry activity, spending and profits, and more. He shows which sectors are the likely winners and losers in Asia and compares those to the rest of the world.
The Conscience of a Liberal
Dealing Fairly with Developing Country Debt
The Logic of Life
Roberto Unger on Free Trade Reimagined
Urban Colossus: Why is New York America`s Largest City?
The Credit Crunch and the U.S. Economy
Speakers: Steven Rattner
Beginning with the subprime meltdown last summer, U.S. markets and the economy have been thrown into turmoil. Liquidity and default fears have created the worst conditions in financial markets in many years. These adverse developments have spilled over in the "real" economy, raised the specter of recession and worse. Steven Rattner is Managing Principal of Quadrangle Group LLC, a private investment firm with more than $6 billion of assets under management. Quadrangle invests in media and communications companies through separate private and public investment strategies and across all asset classes through its asset management business. Quadrangle has offices in New York, London and Silicon Valley and will be opening an office later this year in Hong Kong.
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