Saturday, December 29, 2007

Today's Econ Debate- Stolper-Samuelson is Dead?

Paul Krugman wrote Trouble With Trade, and clarified it here

Tyler Cowen-What if Paul Krugman were right about trade and wages?
Rodrik- Sensible words from Paul Krugman
Mankiw writes
Australian Harry Clarke- Freeing up international trade with poor countries & wage inequality
SCSU Scholars- Trade: It's an empirical question

At Cafe Hayek- Perspective on Trade, The Wages of Misunderstanding, Krugman vs. Krugman, Again

The Economist- Paul Krugman is not a protectionist
The Economics and Politics of Trade

Stolper-Samuelson is Dead

Stop bashing Krugman on trade and inequality

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