Saturday, December 29, 2007

Who killed Benazir Bhutto?

The western news is certain that it is Al Qadea;

The following by Rageh Omaar appears biased

And Bhutto, from his death cell, wrote a very moving document called “If I Am Assassinated,” in which he said there are two hegemonies—these are his words. He said, “There are two hegemonies that dominate our country. One is an internal hegemony, and the other is an external hegemony. And unless we challenge the external hegemony, we will never be able to deal with the internal one,” meaning Washington is the external hegemony and the army is the internal one. And this is a problem which still haunts Pakistan and which, I have to say, has now created this new crisis.

And unfortunately, his daughter decided to collaborate with both of these hegemonies. One has to say this. Her second period in office was a total disaster, because not only did she do nothing for the poor or her natural constituency, but basically it became an extremely corrupt government, and she and her husband accumulated $1.5 billion through corruption. This is well known to everyone.

Now, when the United States decided they wanted to put her back in there, they told her, we are going to whitewash you so clean no one will even know. And this is what the global media and networks have been doing. Look, I knew her well. I’m very upset that she’s dead. But the piety being displayed on the global media networks is beyond belief. You know, it’s as if there’s no past, no history in this country or its politicians.
- Tariq Ali

In Bhutto Stronghold, Sharif Seeks a Political Alliance Against Musharraf
Hackers Exploit Bhutto Assassination (unrelated, but)

Must reads for US politicians
Daughter of the West
Pakistan in Turmoil after Benazir Bhutto’s Assassination - from Democracy Now

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