Monday, March 12, 2007

Tyler Cowen Fact of the Day

- Cowen finishes about one in ten of the books he starts to read.

- Writing a text book on macroeconomics with Alex

- Next book coming out in August- Discover Your Inner Economist: Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next Meeting, and Motivate Your Dentist

- Cowen's favorite DC art museum is the Hirshhorn, most overrated is the Phillips Collection. Also good: National Portrait Gallery.

That’s from the latest Econ Talk interview with Tyler Cowen.

I would like to know about the 'inventory control' Tyler utilises for his books,and CDs.

Key words; global warming/ why French food is great but eating in France is not so great/ favorite museums in Washington/ libertarian paternalism/ high vs. low art /future of blogging / Latin American development/ public choice theory and role of culture/ game to play at Museums/ Singaporean food/ markets in everything/ the future of blogging/ secrete blogging/ retail therapy

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