Sunday, September 2, 2007

Attempt a Ph.D to Discover the Meaning of Life?

Some advice from Paul Kedrosky;

No, it's not that doing a Ph.D. was such a wonderful creativity-unleashing exercise, one that filled my mind with limitless possibilities and prospects. Far from it. I actually found it a fairly mundane and bureaucratic bit of business, more a question of cranking out a sufficiently lengthy document to the satisfaction of your thesis committee.

Instead, what I found out when doing my thesis -- and something I noticed in pretty much everyone I knew who at least started one -- was that you mostly discovered what else you were interested in. Why? Because pretty much anything else is more absorbing than writing a 400-page Ph.D. thesis.

In my case I discovered I was interested in quantitative finance, journalism and media, juggling (balls and especially pins), sky-diving, mountain-biking, hiking, Iran-Contra, marathon running, snow climbing, Franz Kafka, Rainer Marie Rilke, etc. All of those obsessions sprung unbidden onto my calendar when I should have been working on my Ph.D. thesis instead.

I saw something similar happen in other people I knew then (and know now), with people discovering pen collecting, acting, novel-writing, ultra-marathons, orienteering, and pretty much anything else you might imagine.

It turns out, it seems, that doing a Ph.D. (even if you drop out, which I generally recommend) is a great way to discover what you want in life, albeit it will likely have little to do with the Ph.D. itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul!
A Google Search on the meaning of life served up your post. I just had to send you a note to thank you for the a.m. giggle. Your writing is very witty!

Since my brain couldn't handle going for a PhD, I took an easier route to 'the meaning of life'...I wrote a book about it and had everyone else tell me their answer. Lazy, party of one?

I'd love for your brain to share your answer to the MOL question. Please visit the Contact page of my site (But only if you haven't yet received your PhD...I have to stay true to the book's title :-)

Thanks again!

take care,
Louise Lewis
Author, "No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!"