Thursday, October 25, 2007

Phantoms in the Brain

Vilayanur Ramachandran at TED- the best 25 minutes of my day.

Capgras delusion / Phantom limb /learned paralysis /Synesthesia

Phantoms in the Mind;
Ramachandran points out elsewhere that for sciences that are still in its infancy (like neuroscience and psychology) demonstration-style experiments play an especially important role. He notes for example, �in recent decades all medical students were taught that ulcers were caused by stress, which leads to excessive acid production that erodes the mucosal lining of the stomach and duodenum, producing the characteristic craters or wounds we call ulcers. And for decades doctors treated it with antacids, histamine receptor blockers, vagotomy (cutting the acid-secreting nerve that innervates the stomach) or even gastrectomy (removal of part of the stomach). But then a young resident physician in Australia, Dr. Bill Marshall, looked at a stained section of a human ulcer under a microscope and noticed that it was teeming with Helicobacter pylori- a common bacterium that is found in a certain proportion of healthy individuals. Since he regularly saw these bacteria in ulcers, he started wondering whether perhaps they actually caused ulcers.�

Neurology and the Passion for Art- another lecture on You Tube

The Emerging Mind

MIRROR NEURONS and imitation learning

How Do You Stop Agonizing Pain In an Arm That No Longer Exists? A Scientist Does It With Mirrors

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