Top ten recipients of Aid
Gleneagles Aid Commitments: What is the IMF Projecting?
Fin de siècle in aid?
Aid dropped in 2006 for the first time since 1997
Currently in the world of aid
Development aid from OECD countries fell 5.1% in 2006
G8 calls for increased scrutiny of aid;
China already provides aid amounting to $2bn (€1.5bn, £1bn) a year, a higher figure than Belgium, Switzerland or Australia. India's estimated total of up to $1bn a year already exceeds that of Finland and Ireland, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development club of industrial states.
James Kunder, acting deputy administrator of USAID, Washington's official aid agency, told the Financial Times the trend in G8 countries to link some aid to performance-based criteria - such as good governance, a strong economy and deregulation - could be undermined by emerging economies.
China's reach
France and "rogue aid"
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