Saturday, July 14, 2007


STATA 10 releasing soon;

Stata 10 includes

o Exact logistic and Poisson regression. These new estimators
will be important to biostatisticians, those in related fields,
and anyone who works with small datasets.

o Multilevel, nested, hierarchical, and mixed-effects logistic
and Poisson regression. This is basically the equivalent of
Stata 9's -xtmixed-, but for binary and count responses.

o More estimators for dynamic panel-data models, including the
Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond system estimator and its
generalizations. Economists, take note.

o LIML and GMM regression in addition to 2SLS, including a test
for weak instruments. (LIML stands for Limited Information
Maximum Likelihood and GMM stands for Generalized Method of

o Nonlinear, seemingly unrelated regression.

o More survey estimators, including Cox proportional hazards
regression for survey data. As for the rest, Stata 10 includes
27 more survey estimator. Stata 9 had 21 estimators. We have
more than doubled what is available.

o Discriminant analysis, including linear, quadratic, and
kth-nearest neighbor.

o Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and joint correspondence
analysis (JCA).

o Sample-size and power calculations for survival studies.

1 comment:

YouNotSneaky! said...

Isn't Arellano-Bond xtbond in Stata 9? Or is that something else?