Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tajikistan lied to IMF?

A recent press release from IMF;
Based on new information provided by the authorities to IMF staff in December 2007 and January 2008, the Executive Board concurs that these disbursements were made on the basis of inaccurate information provided by the Tajik authorities relating to the performance criteria on the net international reserves of the Republic of Tajikistan, the net domestic assets of the National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT), and against the NBT issuing directed credits. The Board agreed that the Republic of Tajikistan shall be expected to repay the Fund the three noncomplying disbursements (related to the fourth, fifth, and sixth review) that were not discharged under Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) relief, which amount to a total of SDR29.4 million (about US$47.4 million), together with any interest accrued, in six equal monthly installments starting with the first installment no later than September 5, 2008, and concluding with the sixth and final installment no later than February 5, 2009. The Board expressed its regret on the nature and extent of misreporting, and emphasized the seriousness it attaches to the fact that MDRI resources extended to Tajikistan cannot be made subject to repayment.

In taking its decision, the Executive Board carefully weighed the Republic of Tajikistan's very difficult economic circumstances , in particular its balance of payments position as well as the severe humanitarian crisis prevailing in the country, against serious instances of misreporting by the Tajik authorities. Accordingly, the Executive Board decided to make use of its discretion to extend the repayment period beyond the normal 30-day repayment expectation period called for under the misreporting framework.

Moreover, the Executive Board reviewed matters related to misreporting under Article VIII, Section 5, of the IMF's Articles of Agreement by the Republic of Tajikistan. It found that the Republic of Tajikistan had breached its obligations under Article VIII, Section 5, of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, which obliges member countries to furnish such information as the Fund deems necessary for its activities.

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