Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Michael Stastny beats Pat Buchanan

Quote of the Day;

"What's really infuriating is that we have this big line of smart people we don't let in from Europe, India and China, but instead we let in 10 times as many uneducated who have clear negative externalities--they tend to bring neighborhood schools down. [I feel like I have to apologize for that last statement, in that with free exchange how could a new person bring me down unless I'm a bat-shiat crazy ethnocentrist? Why not just not trade with him? Alas, most uneducated, poorly skilled immigrants send their uneducated, poorly tempered kids to my schools, and teachers then have to dumb-down curricula, focus on disruptions from these kids (sometimes, the anecdotes of personal experience are more powerful than the largely historical examples about how Jews and Germans were thought feeble-minded when they immigrated to the US). I would like open border proponents expose their children to a school with no tracking and significant uneducated and low-skilled immigrants."

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