"The whole edifice of medical training is based on subterfuge. I know I'm not just an extra set of hands. Otherwise, I'd never learn to be a surgeon."
-Atul Gawande
Some books on health and doctors;
JOHN E. CASTALDO AND LAWRENCE P. LEVITT "The Man With the Iron Tattoo and Other True Tales of Uncommon Wisdom: What Our Patients Have Taught Us About Love, Faith and Healing"
ATUL GAWANDE "Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance"
JOHN GEYMAN "The Corrosion of Medicine: Can the Profession Reclaim Its Moral Legacy?"
JEROME GROOPMAN "How Doctors Think"
BERTON ROUECHÉ "The Medical Detectives" and "The Man Who Grew Two Breasts"
SHANI STEIN-RATZKER "M.D.: A Four-Year Journey Through Medical School"
GERALD WEISSMANN "Galileo's Gout: Science in an Age of Endarkenment"
How Doctors Think- Slate Book Forum
Doctors and Fallacies in Logic
"How Doctors Think" and using social networks for your health
Physician, Hear Thyself
The mistakes doctors make
Writing the Medical Experience
Jerome Groopman's Blog
The Patient from Hell: How I Worked With My Doctors to Get the Best of Modern Medicine And How You Can Too by Stephen H. Schneider
The Way We Age Now-Atul Gawande
Highly recommeded this NPR interview with Groopman
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