"...life expectancy of males at birth in Kerala increased from 44.3 years in 1951–61 to 70.4 years during 1993–97 whereas the corresponding figures for all-India were 35.5 years and 60.4 years. The corresponding figures for females were 45.3 years and 75.9 years in Kerala, and 35.7 years and 61.8 years for all India. The infant mortality rate declined from 120/thousand in 1951–61 to 14/thousand in 1996–2000 in Kerala, whereas the corresponding figures for all-India were 139/thousand and 71/thousand. As for education, the proportion of literate persons in the population of Kerala increased from 81.6/thousand in 1981 to 99.9/thousand in 2001. It is also noteworthy that there has also been a fertility transition in Kerala: the total fertility rate (per woman) declined from 5.6 during 1951–61 to 1.8 during 1996– 98 whereas for all-India the corresponding figures were 6.3 and 3.3."
- Development Experience of Kerala, a brief review, cited as Annex to
India: Modernizing Government and Fiscal Reform in Kerala Program, completion report from ADB.
Related Links:
Kerala Statistics
Kerala Government
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