Friday, January 4, 2008

BH Economics Blog Awards 2008

Most Educative
1- Econbrowser
2- Economist's View
3- Econlog
4- MaverEcon

Most Prolific
1- Marginal Revolution
2- Brad deLong

Best Debaters
1- Cafe Hayek
2- EconoSpeak
3- Becker-Posner blog
4- Tea with FT

Hardcore Economics
1- Yet another Sheep
2- Economic Investigations
3- Knzn

Best Aussie Blog
1- Harry Clarke
2- Joshua Gans

Best Development Blog

1- Dani Rodrik
2- Chris Blattman

Best Statistics Blog
1. Columbia Stats Blog
2. The Numbers Guy

Best Economics Blog from Mainstream Media
1- Real Time Economics- WSJ
2- Free Exchange- The Economist
3- Economists' Forum

Best Professor Blog
1- Greg Mankiw
2- Mark J. Perry's Blog

Best South Asian Blog
1- Ajay Shah Blog
2- Mostly Economics

Best Current Affairs Blog

1- Juan Cole
2- FP Blog
3- The Lede

Best Law and Economics

Best Austrian Blog
1- The Austrian Economists

Best Guestblogger
Justin Wolfers

Best Public Economics
1- ArgMax Blog
2- CBO Director Blog

Best Multilateral Agency Blog
1- IMF Research Blog
2- PFM Blog
3- End Poverty in South Asia (from World Bank)

Some Newcomers
North Korean Economy Watch
The visible hand in economics
Odd Numbers
Journal of Interest
Constant Dream
A Random Walk
Macro and Other Market Musings
Twenty-Cent Paradigms
Modeled Behavior

Help me with the following categories;
Best Finance / Best Environmental Economics / Best Newcomer / Dead Blogs / Best Trade Blog / Best Vice Economics /Best UK Economics / Best China Economics / Best Latin Economics / Best Technology Economics /Best Sports Economics / Best Think-Tank Blog / Best Libertarian / Best Liberal Economics / Best African Economics / Best East Asian Economics / Best Canadian Economics Blog/ Best Intellectual Trespasser

Econ bloggers survey results


Gabriel M said...

Hey, what's the deal here? You should replace me with YouNotSneaky! He's far more hardcore than I am.

Gabriel M said...

Best Canadian?

Mike Moffatt /
Worthwile Canadian Initiative

Tim Worstall said...

Best UK economics?

Stumbling and Mumbling.

Then there's the Adam Smith Inst (which I write for), The Globalisation Inst (which I write for) and (I think you can guess that one).

The New Economist, Taxpayer's Alliance, Sinclair's Musings, Tim Harford and Willem Buiter at the FT....

Anonymous said...

Great idea and list. Check out my blog, Zero Beta as a newcomer. I don't claim to be the best anything but you and or your readers may find it interesting at the very least.

The shameless plug is now over.



hc said...

Thanks for the plug - its goode you read Aussi blogs.


Unknown said...

For me, the best latinamerican economic blog is

Its the Juan Cerruti´s page. He is an economist and journalist from Argentina.

Anonymous said...

Chandan's blog

New comer on economic growth, development, and public policy

Katy Delay said...

Hey, while you're all plugging yourselves, don't forget me, the only economics humor blog I think. Some serious discussion mixed with my own brand of humor plus economics cartoons.

Worried Dad said...

For the best thoughtfully progressive blog I would suggest from Dollars & Sense magazine.

Anonymous said...

Best Current financial Crisis Blog?

Go to
and see for yourself


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Anonymous said...

First off I want to say that Im really upset that this blog was posted on my birthday and I didnt get to see it on my birthday! :)
I most definitely agree with a lot of people in here, throwing differnet views, different discussions. THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR!

David Lamb said...

You can't have a "Law and Economics" award and leave out Also where's Calculated Risk? Otherwise good list. I found some new blogs through it.

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Best Irish economic blog:

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