Friday, January 18, 2008

Econ Talks and other podcasts

John Taylor of Stanford Says Next Recession Would Be `Mild'

John Makin, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute Says Bernanke's Been `Behind the Curve'

The Fisher King
In the world of medieval romance there are many weird and wonderful creatures – there are golden dragons and green knights, sinister enchantresses and tragic kings, strange magicians and spears that bleed and talk. And yet, in all this panoply of wonder, few figures are more mysterious than the Fisher King. Entrusted as the keeper of the Holy Grail itself, he resides in a castle made of magic where he lies blighted by a wound that does not heal.

He is a complex and poetic figure and has meant many things to many people. From the age of chivalry to that of psychoanalysis and beyond, he has been Christian and pagan, tragic and enduring, a sinner, a fertility god and a symbol of sexual fear and desire.

Professor Ross Garnaut

Making a difference: The role of the Treasury in 21st Century Britain

A revolution of values: Psychological research on materialism and its alternatives

Is children's television educational enough?

Saving Nemo
The speakers in today's forum describe how the changing climate is affecting coral. We'll hear about the effect of green zones where fish are protected. There's the latest research on sharks and concerns for their future. And do fish larvae stay close to home or do fish protected in one region actually influence the populations of the same species in other neighbouring regions.

Alfred Deakin Innovation Lecture
Are we missing out on the full benefits of science and technology because of outdated ideas about copyright and patenting? Could the key to feeding the world be locked up in a company fridge somewhere? Open-source software has transformed the internet, underpinning the phenomenal growth of Google, Ebay and YouTube. What can science learn from this revolution? In our rush to protect intellectual property, have we damaged our capacity to deliver solutions for the critical issues of the 21st century?

The 'thrifty gene' hypothesis and indigenous health

Science curriculum in British schools

Philosophy in schools

Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic

The Encounter of Islam with Europe
Europe's 'favorite expert on Islam' Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Timothy Garton Ash

Social Entrepreneurship: J.B. Schramm

The Global State of Influenza Pandemic Preparedness

Social Science and the Middle East: myths, pitfalls and opportunities

Human Rights in the 21st century: problems and prospects

Why is it Always 'Us' and 'Them': on the natural history of thinking through groups

Joseph Stiglitz on Fostering an Independent Media

A discussion with Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of The Economist

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